I’m here to help you
find your way.

About Me

Hi, I’m Jonathan Stillerman—a licensed clinical psychologist and Certified Group Psychotherapist in Washington, DC.

I serve adults of all backgrounds and identities through individual and group psychotherapy.

My approach is “psychodynamic”, values the link between mind and body, and is flexible enough to be shaped by your unique circumstances, culture, needs, and goals.

My professional background

I received my doctorate in clinical psychology from The George Washington University in 1996 after completing a full-time internship at Howard University’s Counseling Service.

My first job as a therapist was at the Eugene Meyer Treatment Center, a community mental health clinic, and later, I became the Director of Outreach and Training at the Alexander Institute, where I led an externship program for graduate-level therapists.

Alongside my psychotherapy practice, I teach, supervise and consult with other mental health professionals across a variety of disciplines. As a faculty member at the New Washington School of Psychiatry (NWSP), I train clinicians enrolled in the Clinical Program on Psychotherapy Practice and the National Group Psychotherapy Institute (NGPI). Prior to that, I spent 8 years as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Professional Psychology Program at The George Washington University.

My commitment to social justice

My focus on promoting psychic change has always been paired with a social consciousness.

Fresh out of graduate school, I co-founded Men Can Stop Rape (MCSR), a non-profit with a mission to empower male youth to prevent gender-based violence and redefine healthy masculinity. For 7 years, I co-directed MCSR, educating young men nationally and internationally.

In that role, I learned invaluable lessons about gender inequality, other connected forms of oppression, and what it means to be a man. Those lessons continue to influence my life and my work with clients.

Memberships and affiliations

Advanced training and certifications

Awards, honors, and publications

“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”

― Albert Einstein